Out of the imagination of acclaimed artist-filmmaker Henry Coombes comes Albert, an eccentric, aging painter doubling as an unconventional, Jung-inspired psychotherapist. When Albert’s friend asks him to counsel her lethargic grandson Ben, whose ongoing boyfriend problems are rapidly fueling an already deep depression, their subsequent therapy sessions reveal as much about Albert as they do about the troubled young man. Coombes’ debut feature is a witty, perceptive study of social mores, sexual excess and the bizarre, symbiotic relationship between doctor and patient; teacher and pupil; artist and muse.
Country: UK, Spain
Release Year: 2016
Director: Henry Coombes
Writer: Henry Coombes, David Sillars
Language: English
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Runtime: 77 min
Cast:Jonathan Leslie, David Sillars
Marcella Mclntosh, Lee Partridge
Robert Williamson, Henry Coombes
Ross Hunter, Joe Venters
Studio:La Belle Allee Productions
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