[Drama] Memory in the letter | Engsub Uncut 06


One day, an online novel about two people from two different worlds meeting through a mirror became the fascination of novel fans. However, it turns out to be based on Aksorn’s life. Who is writing this story? How did the writer know Aksorn’s personal story? It’s the only clue that might lead him to reunite with the memories of the man from another parallel world. Follow the love story of two people across two different worlds and the miracles it entails. The drama features Parky Napavit and Beck Pitchayutt, and is based on Hungrybird’s novel of the same name.


Name : Memory in the letter the series

Country : Thailand

As known as : Memories In Letters, Songjam Nai Aksorn, Songcham Nai Akson, ทรงจำในอักษร

Cast : Beck Pichayutt Chatchawansombut, Can Atirut Kittipattana, Parky Napavit Tewaphankul

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