In this comedy-action-thriller, an actor taking a night class for aspiring private detectives to help him win a part in a TV show bumbles into a real life crime investigation with his ex-boyfriend in this hilarious film from Doug Spearman (Noah’s Arc). Danny Lohman (Marc Samuel) is an actor on a quest to win a part on a crime drama. Being the good method actor that he is, Danny will do whatever it takes to prepare for his big break, including taking a night class at Santa Monica Junior College in becoming a private investigator. The funny thing is, Danny’s actually good at it. His teacher, Jimmy Peppicelli (Alan Blumenfeld), a former PI, is deeply disappointed that his best student is working hard merely to make it on the small screen. Danny’s PI homework includes spying on his recently ex-boyfriend, Pip Armstrong (Brian McArdle) . Pip is a beautiful, popular party boy born and reared in Beverly Hills. Pip and Danny stumble quite literally into an opportunity to show off Danny’s detective skills when Pip finds himself the victim of a robbery that he nor any of the other victims can report. Someone’s come up with an ingenious plan to rip off A-list sex parties in and around Hollywood. Careers, marriages, contracts, and reputations would be ruined if any one opened their mouths. Danny reluctantly agrees to team up with Pip and try to find the robbers. Under Jimmy’s tutelage in the finer points of pointing a gun, talking to informers, and out-running the cops and the bad guys, Danny and Pip actually come out on top.
Country: USA
Release Year: 2013
Director: Doug Spearman
Writer: Doug Spearman
Language: English
Genre: Action, Comedy, Thriller
Runtime: 110 min
Cast: Marc Anthony Samuel, Brian McArdle, Trey McCurley, Darryl Stephens, Joan Ryan, Jay Huguley
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