In bustling Shibya, Momose (Mario Kuroba) sees his high school classmate Yashiro (Ryugi Yokota). Yashiro is dressed as a girl. Momose continues to observe Yashiro and becomes attracted to him. Meanwhile, Yashiro becomes embarrassed that Momose knows that he dresses up like a girl.
Country: Japan
Release Year: 2015
Aka: Udagawachou de Mattete yo Live Action
Director: Noriko Yuasa
Writer: Hideyoshico, Hiroko Kanasugi
Language: Japanese
Genre: Romance | Runtime: 65 min
Cast:Mario Kuroba, Ryugi Yokota, Momoka Ayukawa, Daiki Mihara , Tachibana Karin, Rin Ishikawa
Studio: Humax Pictures, Pony Canyon
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