Love series about the intertwined lives of Thirdy, Bench, Cerwin, Dean and Fons. This is the TV Series adaptation of the hit livestream show “Kumusta Bro”.
Kumusta Bro The Series stars Sky Quizon, Kristof Garcia, RJ Agustin, Allen Cecilio, JM Mendoza together with Divine. Also starring are RJ Buena, Robin Hanrath, Kim Quindoza, Nicki Morena, Spencer Abadilla, Alex San Agustin and Bryan Sotto.
Kumusta Bro The Series will be streaming on digital platforms on 2021. Presented by Firestarters Productions and Wilbert Tolentino Productions. @Wilbert Tolentino VLOGS
Created and directed by Real S. Florido
Written by Wiro Michael Ladera and Liberty Trinidad-Villaroman.