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This is adult content and you need an Invited-Link to join telegram MenGalary (PinkTequila) VIP.

What is telegram MenGalary (PinkTequila)  VIP ?

Joining Telegram MenGalary (Pinktequila) VIP, you can watch and download  thousands of adult contents (softcore/ hardcore)  directly at telegram.

It’s a closed-channel that contains special video/movies/series (R18). You only can join via an Invited-Link.
Is it free ?

No : you have to join the VIP package to get the Invited-Link.

Yes : you can have FREE Invited-Link if you join the combo STANDARD package of “”. Combo STANDARD includes : Blofficial VIP + Gcinee VIP + MenGalary (Pinktequila) VIP.    
How much and how to join ?

1 . Click here to register a “blofficial” account first.    

2 . Then click here to get the price and payment detail.   
Need Support ?

Please contact “[email protected]

How to join Telegram ?

1 . Make sure that you already have an Telegram account.

2 . Click to the Invited-Link, then join as the screenshot below :