(1) What is Gcinee’s Subscriber ?
It’s a special user of gcinee.com who can access to gcinee.com without seeing banner ads, popup ads, popunder ads, redirect ads. There will be a special link to watch full movies without splitting into small parts. In the future, we will expand some special member-only content.
(2) What’s the difference between a Gcinee’s Subscriber and Visitor ?
+ As a visitor, you can :
1. Watching all available movies for FREE but will have ads to help us to keep the website running.
2. Some episodes can be/will have splitted into some small parts to speed up the rendering and upload process.
+ As a subscriber, you can :
1. Access to gcinee.com without ads (banner ads, popup ads, popunder ads, redirect ads, player ads)
2. Watching all available movies without ads by using special link for subscriber.
3. You can watch the full episode without splitting.
4. All episodes will be in the same place for watching.
5. There is no redirect page between posts
6. You can load the website faster when all ads are cancelled.
(3) Please note that there’ll not be any change about the content at gcinee before and after buying for gcinee’s subscriber.
(4) How many kinds of membership are there in “gcinee” ?
All members will be VIP member after joining.
(5) What is Blofficial Vip and Mengalary Telegram Channel ?
Blofficial Vip : it is a VIP package of “blofficial.com” where you can access to all hot movies/ series (watching online + download with premium link) without ads . It also includes all movies that doesn’t host at gcinee.com + Adult Movies (50% of movie list of Mengalary)
Mengalary Telegram Channel : unlock more than thousands of adult contents (softcore/ hardcore). Watching and Downloading directly at telegram.
(6) All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE, think twice before sending payment.
(7) How much is the Gcinee VIP ?
It’s 8 USD / month.
It’s 0 USD if you join the Standard package of “blofficial.com” . When joining the Standard package of “Blofficial.com”, you will have free access to Gcinee VIP and Mengalary Adult VIP Telegram channel.
Gcinee VIP is using payment system of “Blofficial.com”
1. CLICK HERE to join “Blofficial.com” account first !